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Bencode - Class in com.dampcake.bencode
Bencode encoder/decoder.
Bencode() - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Create a new Bencoder using the default Charset (UTF-8) and useBytes as false.
Bencode(boolean) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Creates a new Bencoder using the boolean passed to control String parsing.
Bencode(Charset) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Creates a new Bencoder using the Charset passed for encoding/decoding and useBytes as false.
Bencode(Charset, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Creates a new Bencoder using the Charset passed for encoding/decoding and boolean passed to control String parsing.
BencodeException - Exception in com.dampcake.bencode
Wraps a Throwable that is thrown during decode/encode.
BencodeInputStream - Class in com.dampcake.bencode
InputStream for reading bencoded data.
BencodeInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Creates a new BencodeInputStream that reads from the InputStream passed and uses the UTF-8 Charset for decoding the data and coerces dictionary values to a String.
BencodeInputStream(InputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Creates a new BencodeInputStream that reads from the InputStream passed and uses the Charset passed for decoding the data and coerces dictionary values to a String.
BencodeInputStream(InputStream, Charset, boolean) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Creates a new BencodeInputStream that reads from the InputStream passed and uses the Charset passed for decoding the data and boolean passed to control String parsing.
BencodeOutputStream - Class in com.dampcake.bencode
OutputStream for writing bencoded data.
BencodeOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Creates a new BencodeOutputStream that writes to the OutputStream passed and uses UTF-8 Charset for encoding the data.
BencodeOutputStream(OutputStream, Charset) - Constructor for class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Creates a new BencodeOutputStream that writes to the OutputStream passed and uses the Charset passed for encoding the data.


com.dampcake.bencode - package com.dampcake.bencode


decode(byte[], Type<T>) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Decodes a bencode encoded byte array.
DICTIONARY - Static variable in class com.dampcake.bencode.Type


encode(Iterable<?>) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Encodes the passed Iterable as a bencode List.
encode(Number) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Encodes the passed Number.
encode(String) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Encodes the passed String.
encode(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Encodes the passed Map as a bencode Dictionary.


getCharset() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Gets the Charset the coder was created with.
getCharset() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Gets the Charset the stream was created with.
getCharset() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Gets the Charset the stream was created with.


LIST - Static variable in class com.dampcake.bencode.Type


nextType() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Peeks at the next Type.
NUMBER - Static variable in class com.dampcake.bencode.Type


readDictionary() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Reads a Dictionary from the stream.
readList() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Reads a List from the stream.
readNumber() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Reads a Number from the stream.
readString() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Reads a String from the stream.
readStringBytes() - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeInputStream
Reads a Byte String from the stream.


STRING - Static variable in class com.dampcake.bencode.Type


type(byte[]) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Bencode
Determines the first Type contained within the byte array.
Type<T> - Class in com.dampcake.bencode
Data Types in bencode.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.dampcake.bencode.Type


values() - Static method in class com.dampcake.bencode.Type


writeDictionary(Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Writes the passed Map to the stream.
writeList(Iterable<?>) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Writes the passed Iterable to the stream.
writeNumber(Number) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Writes the passed Number to the stream.
writeString(byte[]) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Writes the passed byte[] to the stream.
writeString(String) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Writes the passed String to the stream.
writeString(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.dampcake.bencode.BencodeOutputStream
Writes the passed ByteBuffer to the stream.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form